Ditchetts Farm key performance indicators

Our strategic dairy farms openly share their KPIs so you can see how they perform against the technical and financial measures critical for success

Block calving systems

Key Performance IndicatorsExcellent performanceGood performanceAverage performanceDitchetts Farm
Cows and heifers calved within the first 6 weeks (%) >90% 80% 70% 78%
Herd replacement rate (%) <20% 22% 26% 19%
Milk solids output per ha (Kg milk solids/hectare) >1,500kg/ha 1,250kg/ha 1,100kg/ha 780kg/ha
Milk yield from forage (litres)  >5,000 litres 4,000l litres 2,750 litres 2100 litres
Milk yield from forage (solids) >427 342 235 To follow
Overheads excluding rent and finance (ppl) 9ppl 10.5ppl 12.5ppl 11.5ppl
Genetic merit (%) 5% 25% 50% 5%

Generic financial measures

Business Performance MeasuresExcellent performanceGood performanceAverage performanceDitchetts Farm
Full economic net margin (ppl) 7ppl 2ppl -3ppl To follow
Return on tenants capital (%) >20% 14% 3% To follow
Full economic costs of production (ppl) <24ppl 30ppl 34.5ppl To follow

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