EU Milk for Cheese Value Equivalent (MCVE)

Updated 23 February 2022

These EU Milk for Cheese Value Equivalent (MCVE) values show how the UK is performing against other EU countries when it comes to deriving value from milk. These are updated on a monthly basis. 


The data has been developed so comparisons can be made between the countries and as an indication of why milk prices may be different between those countries. 

These indicators offer a broad, general estimate of market returns and should only be used as a basis for identifying possible trends. For the latest EU wholesale prices, click here.

In November 2020, we undertook a review of the EU MCVE calculation. We have since revised the calculation to reflect changes in milk compositional quality and cost of production. For more information, click here

The UK MCVE indicator was updated in December 2021 to use Q3 2021 costs. The other countries still use the costs calculations from November 2020 (see above).

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