Impact of copper on performance and health of dairy heifers

Past Event

Monday, 28 September 2020

7:00pm - 8:00pm

This webinar is a past event - watch the recording

Copper is an important trace element that supports many functions such as growth, fertility and immunity. Feeding too much copper for a long time can have a negative impact on the health and performance of your heifers.

 Join James McCaughern for a webinar looking at the role of copper in the nutrition of dairy heifers, focusing on the impact on health, fertility and performance. He will also go through the recommendations on proper management of copper in the diet.

 The webinar will cover:

  • Importance of copper for the health, fertility and performance of cattle
  • Effect of under-feeding copper on performance and fertility
  • Effect of over-feeding copper during the rearing period and first lactation on fertility, performance and immunity
  • Practical recommendations


Speaker biography

James McCaughern undertook a degree in Agricultural Technology at Queen’s University Belfast, before moving to Harper Adams University where he completed his PhD on copper metabolism in dairy cattle. He went on to join Harper Adams University as a lecturer in 2020. His research interests focus on cattle production systems and trace element supplementation.


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