Monitor Farm meeting: Downpatrick

Past Event - booking closed

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

10:30am - 2:30pm

The Quoile Bar and Bistro, 2b Strangford Road, Downpatrick, County Down

BT30 6SL

The first Downpatrick Monitor Farm meeting this winter focus on Integrated Pest Management. We will be hearing from Charlotte Rowley (AHDB) about pests, focusing on slug control options.

The loss of active ingredients is troubling farmers, but can we learn from organic farming?

Sean Burns from the RL team will be talking about how choosing the right variety is the first step in IPM.

We will also be reflecting on harvest and looking at the results from Richard’s drill try out plots.

About the farm

Richard Orr farms with his father at Meadow Farm in Downpatrick. He grows winter wheat and spring and winter barley on 75 arable ha and the rotation also includes potatoes, turnips and grass. The soil is a dry, free-draining medium, stony loam with good organic matter. Richard has previously hosted AHDB winter barley variety trials for the Recommended Lists. His aim is to grow the business while becoming more efficient, and to add value by marketing produce more directly to the end user, such as with his potatoes which he sells in the farm shop. During the three years of the Monitor Farm programme Richard hopes to share learning with fellow farmers and challenge his thinking, to ultimately become a better farmer.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 07778 143404
