Strategic dairy farm launch Ayrshire

Past Event

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

12:00pm - 1:00pm

This webinar is a past event - watch the recording

Join us for the launch of our new Scottish spring block calving strategic dairy farm, Millands Farm, based near Galston in Ayrshire.

As well as a virtual farm tour, including the background and operations, you’ll be given an open and honest view of the farm’s performance figures compared with the optimal dairy system KPI’s.

Hosts Wallace and James Hendrie will give you an insight into their future ambitions and long-term vision for the business.

You’ll get a greater understanding about the areas the Hendrie’s have identified for improvement over the next few years, including:

  • Lifting fertility
  • Improving youngstock growth rates
  • Driving grass growth and quality while reducing inputs
  • Increasing profitability in the dairy unit

If you are interested in learning about spring block calving and how the Hendrie’s plan to make their family dairy business more sustainable then this event is for you.

Book your place

About Millands Farm

Millands Farm is a 345 hectare, all grass farm owned by Wallace and James Hendrie.  They employ two full-time and three part-time employees to work alongside them including a Herd Manager and a Calf Manager.

Their spring block herd of 600 cows produced 5400 litres per cow. Calving starts early March and lasts 12 weeks with 71% calving in the first 6 weeks.  Cows are fed on a bunkered silage system with cake in the parlour and rotational grazing measured and allocated with the ambition to improve their milk from forage.

About Strategic Dairy Farms

Strategic dairy farms aim to help farmers learn from each other through regular on-farm meetings where key performance data is shared and what the best farmers are doing is showcased.

They form part of the Optimal Dairy Systems programme which aims to help dairy farmers reduce costs and increase efficiency by focusing on either a tight block or all-year-round calving system.

The growing network of strategic dairy farms have calculated KPIs for their enterprises which are shared at meetings and published online. These are physical and financial performance measures that are critical to success. Farmers can benchmark their businesses against these KPIs to help identify areas for improvement.

Follow the programme and explore our other strategic farms



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 01904 771216

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