Weaner management - Thetford

Past Event - booking closed

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

12:30pm - 5:00pm

Broom Hall Country Hotel, Richmond Road, Saham Toney, Thetford, Norfolk

IP25 7EX

Stockperson Plus is the next step on from the Stockperson Development Scheme and aims to continue knowledge acquisition and the technical development of pig unit staff. It is a programme of problem-solving workshops, led by technical experts, designed to build on existing pig husbandry knowledge.

Sessions are interactive, recapping on pig production covered in the Stockperson Development Scheme and uses problem-solving exercises which are applied to ‘virtual’ farm scenarios, to develop the individual further.

The course is suitable for stock people who have significant previous experience or have completed the Stockperson Development Scheme. They may want to progress to become a supervisor/manager.

Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance from AHDB Pork.

Learning objectives 

To be able to:

  • Develop performance targets for the weaner house
  • Evaluate farm performance figures and list where improvements could be made
  • Identify 3 causes of stress at weaning and how this can be managed
  • List 3 areas that should be recorded when managing the weaner department
  • Identify 2 main components of the weaner diet and explain what feeding challenges may arise in the future

To register, complete training application form and send to Naiya Khatri

T: 01904 771212



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

E naiya.khatri@ahdb.org.uk

T 01904 771212
